SEO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – CodeRenowned

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General SEO FAQ For Business Owners

How to get your website to the top of Google?

Getting your website to the top of Google search results requires a blend of several strategies On an ongoing process referred to as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A Basic Guide that helps to get you started includes Quality Content, Keyword Research, on-page optimization, Quality Backlinks, User experience, Regular updates, Monitoring and Analyzing, Patience, and Persistence.

Why is SEO important for my business?

SEO is essential for businesses to establish a powerful online presence that attracts targeted traffic and drives conversions and revenue. It is never about ranking higher in search results but creating a valuable and user-friendly experience for your customers while meeting their needs and expectations.

How can SEO help me get more customers?

SEO increases the website’s visibility on search engines, ensuring it appears higher in relevant searches. Targeting keywords related to the business can drive targeted traffic that increases the chances of conversion customers. High visibility and credibility improve user trust and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates. With a better user experience and cost-effective strategies, SEO ensures your business remains competitive in attracting customers and boosting revenue.

What are SEO keywords, and how do I choose them?

SEO keywords are terms or phrases users enter into search engines when looking for information, products, or services. To choose Keywords, research the target audience’s search habits, competitor keywords, and industry trends. Concentrate on relevancy, search volume, and competition level. At CodeRenowned, we use renowned tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify high-performing keywords. 

What are SEO tools, and how can they help me?

SEO tools, software, or online platforms developed to analyze and monitor website performance for better search engine visibility, offering features like keyword research, backlink analysis, site audits, targeted keyword rank tracking, and competitor analysis. These tools supply an understanding of website performance by identifying areas to improve and implementing SEO strategies effectively. 

As a Renowned SEO Service Provider from Bangalore, India, CodeRenowned uses custom SEO Tools from SEMrush and Ahrefs to help businesses optimize their websites, improve search engine rankings, and increase organic traffic.

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are strategies to increase website visibility on search engines but differ in their approach and execution. 


  • SEO optimizes website content, structure, and backlinks to improve organic search rankings. 
  • SEO is more sustainable and cost-effective and aims for long-term organic growth.


  • SEM involves paid advertising to appear in search engine results through platforms like Google Ads.
  • SEM offers immediate visibility via paid ads and delivers quicker results but requires continued investment.

Content SEO FAQ For Business Owners

How often should I publish new content on my website?

Publishing new content frequency on the website depends on factors like the niche, audience engagement, and resources available. A guideline is to aim for consistency while considering quality over quantity. 

For blogs or news sites, weekly updates may be sufficient. For active platforms like e-commerce or social media, daily updates are necessary. Analyze your audience’s behavior by maintaining a regular schedule, promoting user engagement by helping with search engine optimization, and never compromising quality for frequency.

How can I create high-quality content that people will want to read?

For compelling content, Understand the audience’s interests and needs through market research and analytics. Draft engaging headlines to grab attention and provide valuable, well-researched information that solves problems or entertains. A mix of multimedia images, videos, and infographics can enhance readability. Ensure the content is well-organized, easy to scan, and includes clear calls to action to encourage interaction. Aim for realism and uniqueness to set the content apart and boost trust with the Consumers.

What is guest blogging, and how can it help my SEO?

Guest blogging is writing and publishing content on someone else’s website or blogger as a guest author. It aids SEO by delivering opportunities for backlinks to the website, improving its authority and search engine rankings. Contributing Valuable content to reputable sites in the niche enhances brand visibility and credibility, driving more traffic to the site. Guest blogging allows one to tap into new audiences and networks to expand the reach and potentially attract more customers.

How can I use social media to promote my content and improve SEO?

Use social media by sharing high-quality content, optimizing profiles with keywords, and using relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Engage through comments, questions, and polls during collaboration with influencers and sharing user-generated content. Convey blog posts with attention-grabbing headlines, optimize for social sharing, and monitor performance through analytics. Stay updated with algorithm changes. It enhances brand visibility, drives traffic to the website, and generates backlinks by boosting your SEO efforts.

SEO Project TimeLine FAQ

How long does SEO take to work?

SEO timelines change based on the website’s age, competition, and quality of content. Noticeable results can take 4-6 months, but meaningful improvements may require 6-12 months. It involves an initial audit, keyword research, content optimization, and link building. Continuous monitoring and adjustments are necessary to adapt to algorithm changes and competitor strategies. We at CodeRenowned put Consistent effort into creating high-quality content, improving website usability, and building definitive backlinks that contribute to long-term success in search engine rankings for our customers.

I hired an SEO company that promises quick results. Is this a red flag?

Yes, Hiring an SEO company that promises quick results can be a red flag. SEO is a complicated, ongoing process that requires time to produce sustainable results. Honest SEO practices focus on gradual improvements through content optimization, link building, and technical enhancements. Promises of quick ranking often indicate black hat techniques like keyword stuffing or buying links, risking penalties from search engines. We, Coderenowned, a reputable SEO Company, set realistic expectations, highlight long-term strategies, and prefer organic growth over quick fixes.

Can you offer any estimates on the time frame to see measurable results in website traffic and lead generation?

The timeframe for measurable results in website traffic and lead generation depends on industry competitiveness, website age, and SEO efforts. Noticeable improvements might be in 4-6 months with consistent SEO strategies. Significant high traffic and lead generation may take 6-12 months or longer for new websites / high competitive industry. Consistent content creation, optimization, and link building contribute to nourished growth. CodeRenowned Regularly monitors analytics to track our customer’s progress and adjust our strategies accordingly. 

SEO Project Cost FAQ

Do you offer any guarantees or trial periods for your SEO services to allow me to assess their effectiveness for my business?

SEO is one time-consuming process to show results where no agencies can give a trial period. But with years of experience and an expert in-house SEO consultant, CodeRenowned gives its customers guaranteed ranking services for committed keywords within a commitment month. This Guarantee will be an initial legal agreement by both parties before the start of the project. 

Do you offer tiered SEO service packages, or do you create only custom quotes?

We at CodeRenowned offer only custom SEO packages based on Business and Customer requirements.

Is there a minimum contract length required for your SEO services?

CodeRenowned SEO services generally require a minimum contract length of three to six months. This timeframe allows us to implement strategies, monitor results, and achieve noteworthy outcomes. However, Each business is unique, and we’re open to a discussion with flexible options based on specific needs and goals. We aim to establish a partnership that delivers long-term success for our customers. 

SEO Return On Investment (ROI) FAQ

How can I track my SEO results?

To Track SEO results, observe different metrics to evaluate its performance and effectiveness. Google Analytics Tool can track organic traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Monitor keyword rankings with tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to measure visibility improvements. Backlink analysis tools like Moz help assess link profile growth.

As my business grows and my SEO needs to evolve, can your services adapt and scale to meet those demands?

Yes, CodeRenowned’s SEO services can adapt well to your business growth and evolving needs. We offer flexible solutions that fit into changes in your industry by targeting your target audience and objectives. For expanded keyword targeting, enhanced content strategies, or advanced technical optimizations, our team is well-equipped to mount our services accordingly. We favor ongoing communication and collaboration to ensure our SEO efforts align with your business goals and effectively support your growth. 

How will your SEO efforts ensure long-term, sustainable growth in website traffic and lead generation that persists beyond your service?

CodeRenowned’s SEO efforts focus on creating an indestructible foundation for sustainable growth by white-hat strategies that manage user experience, quality content, and definitive link building. We optimize your website for relevant keywords to enhance technical aspects for search engine visibility and promote organic engagement through content marketing. We consistently monitor performance by adapting to algorithm changes and refining strategies and aim to establish your website as a trusted authority in your industry.

Technical SEO FAQ

How can I optimize my website On-page SEO?

Optimizing on-page SEO focuses on relevant keywords in titles, headings, and content by maintaining unpretending readability.

  • Create high-quality, engaging content for users and encourage shares. 
  • Optimize meta tags, URLs, and image alt text with keywords.
  • Improve page load speed and mobile responsiveness for a good user experience. 
  • Regular updates and refresh content to keep it relevant.  

Analyze performance with tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to identify improvements and refine your SEO strategy.

What are meta descriptions, and how do I write them?

Meta descriptions are HTML features that provide a summary of the content on the web page. They appear below the title tag and URL of the SERPs and are essential for attracting users to click on your website.

For Effective meta descriptions:

  1. Keep them Brief, around 150 characters.
  2. Include relevant keywords.
  3. Provide a captivating description that boosts clicks.
  4. Address the searcher’s query and suggest a clear solution.
  5. Avoid duplicate meta descriptions on pages.

Unique meta descriptions on each page can accurately represent the content and attract users to visit your site.

How can I make sure my website is mobile-friendly for SEO?

Below is how to confirm the website is mobile-friendly for SEO:

  1. Use responsive web design for seamless to different screen sizes.
  2. Optimize page speed for quick loading times.
  3. Confirm text, images, and other elements are easily accessible and usable on mobile devices.
  4. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool for any issues.
  5. Implement structured data markup for enhancing mobile search results.
  6. Test your website on different devices and browsers for compatibility.
  7. Monitor Google’s mobile usability reports in the Search Console for steady optimization.

What is a robots.txt file, and how do I use it?

A robots.txt file is a text file in the root directory of a website to instruct web crawlers which pages or files are suitable to crawl. It contains directives like “Disallow” to block access to specific URLs or directories and “Allow” to grant access. This file helps to control how search engines can index and crawl your site’s content by improving SEO. To use it, create a robots.txt file with the expected notes and place it in the root directory of your website. Regularly update and verify the file for proper functioning and observation with search engine guidelines.

What is a sitemap, and how do I create one?

A sitemap is a file that lists the URLs of a website by helping search engines navigate and index its content effectively. It supplies metadata about each URL, like its last update and its importance relative to other URLs. To create a sitemap, utilize online tools or plugins to generate XML files automatically or manually using a text editor. Include relevant URLs, and submit the sitemap to search engines through respective webmaster tools or by adding it to the robots.txt file. Regular updates on the sitemap reflect changes to your website’s structure or content.

How can I fix broken links on my website?

To fix broken links on your website:

  1. Use online tools or SEO audit reports to find broken links.
  2. Verify for a minor typing error or if the linked webpage no longer exists.
  3. If the webpage exists but the URL has changed, update the link to the correct URL.
  4. If the linked webpage never exists, Set up a 301 redirect to a relevant page on your website to avoid confusing users and search engines.
  5. If the linked content isn’t relevant anymore, Remove the link from your website.

What is HTTPS, and why is it important for SEO?

HTTPS is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure that encrypts data transmitted between a user’s browser and a website by securing privacy and security. It is essential for SEO, as Google considers HTTPS a ranking factor. Websites with HTTPS have a little boost in search engine rankings compared to HTTP sites. HTTPS delivers trust and credibility to users through a secure connection, leading to higher click-through rates and improvement in user experience.

How can I use structured data to improve my SEO?

Structured data by markup delivers search engines with context about the content by improving understanding and relevance in search results. Mark up specific elements like product details, reviews, and events to increase visibility with rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other SERP features. It improves click-through rates by enhancing user experience and boosts organic traffic.

What are breadcrumbs, and how can they improve SEO?

Breadcrumbs are navigational elements in a website that offer a user’s location within the website’s ranking order. They appear as a text path at the top of a webpage, displaying the categories a user clicked through to reach the current page (e.g., CodeRenowned > Home > SEO Services). Breadcrumbs can benefit SEO in two ways:

  • Breadcrumbs can help users understand their website location and navigate easily by encouraging them to explore deeper sections. It leads to longer session times and lower bounce rates.
  • Google sometimes includes breadcrumbs in search results, giving users a clearer idea of a webpage’s structure and content. 

SEO Mistakes FAQ

What are the big SEO mistakes businesses make?

The big SEO mistakes businesses make are missing mobile optimization, not producing high-quality and relevant content, ignoring on-page SEO elements like meta tags and headings, neglecting the importance of backlinks, and skipping website speed and performance, Keyword stuffing, and not regularly monitoring and adapting to algorithm trends can delay SEO success. 

I haven't updated my website content in a long time. Can this be a major SEO mistake?

Irregular updation in website content can be a significant SEO mistake. Search engines prefer fresh and relevant content, and outdated information can give lower rankings. Regular updates indicate to search engines that the website is active and relevant to users. Updated content has opportunities to incorporate new keywords by improving user engagement and aligning with current search trends. Without updates, competitors maintaining fresh content may overtake your website in search engine rankings.

My website isn't mobile-friendly. Is this a critical SEO issue?

Yes, a website that is not mobile-friendly is a crucial SEO issue. Below is why:

  • Maximum users browse the web on mobile devices. A website that’s difficult to navigate or poor on a mobile screen will dishearten users and lead to a high bounce rate.
  • Google’s Core Web Vitals assess website user experience on mobile devices, loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. 
  • A non-mobile-friendly website will not perform well on these metrics, impacting your SEO performance.

You can address this by:

  • Make the website responsive to all screen sizes.
  • Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool for mobile usability issues and get detailed recommendations for advancement.

I heard backlinks are Bad now. Should I remove all the ones I've built?

 Backlinks aren’t naturally Bad, but low-quality or spammy ones can harm SEO. Google values natural, relevant backlinks as such links are beneficial. If your backlink profile has higher low-quality links, it could hurt your SEO. Removing these links can be smart, specifically if they’re from irrelevant or suspicious sources. Use Google’s Disavow Tool to separate them. Consulting an SEO professional can help to assess your backlink profile and devise the best strategy. 

I don't have a sitemap for my website. Is this a Higher SEO mistake?

If your website has multiple pages, a sitemap is important. Websites without sitemap will face issues in crawlability and indexing and decreased visibility in search results. A sitemap can provide valuable metadata about the pages when they last updated, helping search engines prefer crawling and indexing tasks. 

My website has a lot of broken links. Is this impacting my SEO ranking?

Yes, More broken links on your website can negatively impact the SEO ranking. Broken links can create a poor user experience, leading to dead ends, frustrating visitors, and causing them to leave your site. Search engines also take user experience when ranking websites, so higher broken links can signal to search engines that the site is poorly maintained or outdated, leading to lower rankings. 

I've been focusing solely on on-page SEO. Am I neglecting something important?

Focusing solely on on-page SEO neglects other essential aspects of SEO. Though on-page optimization is vital for improving individual page rankings, neglecting off-page SEO elements like link building, social media presence, and online reputation management can delay overall SEO success.

I'm not very active on social media. Is this a mistake for SEO?

Social media activity doesn’t directly impact SEO rankings, But has indirect effects. Active social media presence boosts brand visibility by increasing website visits and mentions. Social media platforms provide backlink opportunities for improving off-page SEO. Being more active on social media suggests content value, indirectly influencing search rankings. Social channels act as distribution lanes, expanding content reach and driving traffic. 

Can focusing on the wrong keywords hurt my SEO efforts?

Yes, focusing on the wrong keywords can hurt your SEO efforts. If you optimize the website for keywords irrelevant to your content or target audience, you may attract visitors not interested in what you offer. It can result in high bounce rates, low engagement, and lower rankings as search engines analyze these signals as hands of poor user experience.

My website has a lot of duplicate content. Should I be worried about SEO?

Yes, Having a lot of duplicate content can damage your SEO efforts. Search engines might struggle to determine which version of the content to rank, resulting in lower rankings or penalties for duplicate content. It can lead to a poor user experience, as visitors experience repetitious information across the site. Handle duplicate content by executing canonical tags, redirecting duplicate URLs, or reducing similar content. 

How can I avoid getting penalized by Google for SEO mistakes?

To avoid Google penalties, Prefer Quality content relevant to user intent. Stick to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, giving up black hat tactics like keyword stuffing or buying links. Monitor and improve website performance by establishing mobile-friendliness and fast loading times. Perform backlink audits to reject spammy links, and use structured data markup to enhance search visibility. Stay updated with algorithm changes, adapt strategies, and provide a positive user experience by addressing technical issues on time. By focusing on user value and honest SEO practices, you can avoid the risk of Google penalties. 

I'm not paying attention to the website loading speed, is this a mistake?

Yes, Ignoring website loading speed is a notable mistake. Slow-loading websites annoy users and lead to higher bounce rates, impacting user experience and SEO rankings. Google considers page speed a ranking factor by preferencing fast-loading websites in search results. Mobile users form a considerable portion of internet traffic and are particularly sensitive to slow loading times. Optimized website speed improves user satisfaction, increases engagement, and enhances SEO performance.

I don't track my SEO performance, can this be a big SEO mistake?

Not tracking your SEO performance can be a substantial mistake. You won’t be able to assess the effectiveness of the SEO efforts or identify areas you should improve. Monitoring key metrics like organic traffic, keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and user engagement provides valuable insights into your website’s performance. It allows you to measure the impact of SEO strategies, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimize your website for better results. 

SEO Service FAQ

What do SEO services typically include?

SEO services commonly cover diverse factors of optimizing the website for search engines. This can include:

  • Identifying relevant keywords individuals use to find your products or services.
  • Optimizing the website’s content, structure, and technical elements for search engines.
  • Building high-quality, informative content targeting your audience’s search goal.
  • Earning backlinks from high-quality websites to increase your website’s management.
  • Addressing technical issues that restrict search engine crawling and indexing.
  • Monitoring website traffic, keyword rankings, and additional SEO metrics to measure progress.

The services offered may vary depending on the SEO company and the website’s needs.

Can you analyze my competitor's SEO strategies and suggest ways to outrank them?

To analyze your competitors’ SEO strategies, CodeRenowned examines, 

  • Their keyword targeting, content quality, backlink profile, and technical SEO. 
  • By Identifying gaps and strengths, Our Team suggests structuring content by targeting untapped keywords, improving site speed and mobile-friendliness, and building definitive backlinks.
  • Utilize data from competitor analysis tools and search engine insights, we recommend refining your SEO approach to capitalize on opportunities missed. 
  • We opt for Consistent monitoring and adaptation as a key to staying ahead.

Do you offer local SEO services specific to my business location?

 Yes, CodeRenowned offers local SEO services tailored to your business location. our services focus on Google business profile & website optimization to appear notably in local search results, mainly when users search for products or services within your geographic area.

Can you help me with schema markup implementation to improve search results?

Yes, CodeRenowned offers service with schema markup implementation to structure the data in SERP and enhance your search results. We identify relevant schema types for your content, combine markup into your website’s HTML code, and provide proper implementation across your site. we also understand how schema markup can improve your search visibility by providing search engines with extra context about your content. By utilizing schema markup effectively, Our Team helps your website stand out in search results leading to higher click-through rates and improved organic traffic.

What questions should I ask an SEO company before hiring them?

Before hiring an SEO company, know their experience, client successes in the industry, and how they handle algorithm updates. Ask about their SEO strategies and techniques, confirming how they align with practices and search engine guidelines. Get details about the team assigned to your project, their expertise, and communication channels. Ask about the reporting process, the metrics how they track, and how often you’ll receive updates. Clarify pricing structures, contract terms, and any additional fees. Inquire about their approach to handling potential conflicts of interest and their client satisfaction and long-term results.

How much should I expect to pay for SEO services?

The cost of SEO services varies depending on factors like the scope of work, the competitiveness of keywords. Project-based pricing differs based on the specific tasks needed. 

What is a black hat SEO tactic and why should I avoid them?

Black hat SEO tactics attempt to influence search engine algorithms for quick gains but violate search engine guidelines. They include keyword stuffing, cloaking, buying links, and creating doorway pages. These tactics lead to short-term boosts in rankings but often result in penalties, including site deindexing or lower rankings. They damage user experience and trust, risking long-term damage to the website’s reputation and visibility. Search engines like Google prefer user-focused to provide quality search results. It’s essential to avoid black-hat tactics and focus on endurable, white-hat SEO strategies that prefer quality content and user satisfaction.

How can I track the progress of my SEO campaign?

You can track the SEO campaign’s progress by different metrics and tools. Monitor keyword rankings for improvements in search engine visibility. Analyze organic traffic gain and referral sources through Google Analytics. Measure on-site engagement metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and pages per session for user engagement. Track the backlink growth and quality using tools like Ahrefs or Moz.

What is an SEO audit and how can it help my business?

SEO audit is a complete review of your website’s performance and optimization efforts. It evaluates factors like site structure, on-page and off-page SEO, technical issues, content quality, and backlink profile. An audit helps to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in your SEO strategy. Addressing issues found in the audit like broken links, duplicate content, or poor site speed, can enhance your website’s search engine visibility, user experience, and overall performance. 

How can I ensure my SEO company is using ethical practices?

To ensure your SEO company employs ethical practices, ask about their approach to SEO and dedication to search engine guidelines. Ask for past work and the strategies used. Look for clearness in their methods and reporting. Avoid guaranteeing top rankings or use black hat tactics like keyword stuffing or link plans. Clarify anticipations on communication, progress updates, and results tracking. Trustworthy SEO providers prefer long-term success through endurable, white hat techniques focused on quality content, user experience, and observation with search engine standards.

What happens if I stop using SEO services?

If you stop using SEO services, your website’s search engine visibility, and organic traffic can decline over time. Without constant optimization efforts, competitors could overtake your rankings and lose potential customers and revenue. Your website will become less competitive in search results, impacting overall online visibility and brand awareness. 

SEO Support FAQ

How will you handle any technical issues that can arise on my website that could impact SEO?

We CodeRenowned will handle technical issues on your website by conducting complete audits to identify and order issues affecting SEO performance. We work closely with your web development team or directly implement fixes, addressing issues like broken links, crawl errors, site speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup implementation. We also monitor website performance regularly, utilizing tools like Google Search Console and SEMrush software to identify and resolve any emerging technical issues on time.

What tools and resources do you use to monitor my website's SEO performance?

CodeRenowned’s Expert Team uses industry leading SEO tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrefs for keyword research, backlink analysis, and site audits. we use Google Search Console for monitoring site health, indexing status, and search performance. Customized dashboards and reporting systems combine data from these sources, allowing for complete analysis and informed decision-making to optimize the website’s SEO performance.

What happens if Google releases a major algorithm update? How will you adapt my SEO strategy?

If Google releases a major algorithm update, Our Team at CodeRenowned will closely monitor its impact on your website’s rankings and traffic. We will analyze changes in search engine results and consider how the update affects SEO best practices and ranking factors. Based on this research, we adapt your SEO strategy by making necessary adjustments to optimize content, keywords, and technical elements to align with the new algorithm requirements.

CodeRenowned Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is a process of improving the quality of website traffic by ranking top in SERP. We enhance your website traffic with our effective SEO strategy and drive the most profitable customers

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Promoting your product or services using a social platform is social media marketing. We understand your business model, the target audience and create a result-oriented marketing strategy to build brand awareness on various social platforms

Google My Business Profile SEO

GMB is a free tool from Google that let's manage your business profile on Google search and Maps. Optimizing GMB allows customers to find your business easily and generate the most genuine leads with high conversion rates

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is one of the effective methods of advertising online with a highly scalable data flow. Also, the PPC advertising model allows startup businesses to drive instant quality customers. With years of experience in advertising online, we help businesses to achieve their sales goal within committed time.

SEO Content Writing

A well-optimized website content that can deliver results. We at CodeRenowned develop on-page content with keywords optimization for business websites that engage with your targeted audience seamlessly.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is important for every business in both sales and marketing. We harvest profitable leads with a high conversion rate using actionable SEO, SEM, and SMM digital marketing techniques.

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